Thursday, September 7, 2017

Summer is Over

Labor Day weekend has come and gone, it is official that summer has once again ended.  This year is a HUGE year for this mama.  My kids are finally old enough to walk to school.  Not being a morning person, this is kind of a big deal for me.  The mornings are always so rough around here three of us hate them and my oldest son just gets up gets his shit done and doesn't say a word.  Now those other two WHOA you would think I'm stabbing them every morning.  My son literally turns into the exorcist.  He turns all red starts yelling which makes him foam at the mouth and I swear sometimes his head spins.  I mean he is 9 it’s not like this is new for him, he is now in fourth grade and has been in school since he was 3.  It’s like come on man you know what’s going to happen at 7am can we pleassssse just get through it without the devil act for 20 min.  After he calms down it’s like someone popped him a Xanax.  I swear I don't although I wouldn't mind popping one.  He slowly walks around in circles looking for his uniform which is usually in the same two spots, on the floor or on his dresser. 

The socks ahhhh I can't tell you how many times I have to tell this child you need to put socks on, hey buddy you have those socks on yet, um dude looks like you need to find some socks, it finally turns into PUT THE DAMN SOCKS ON, of course as nicely as possible 😏.  Those are my boys, now my girl, she is a whole other story.  Does she act like I'm stabbing her yes, does she scream and kick and spit the same way the other maniac does, no.  She just refuses to get out of the bed.  It's like pulling teeth to get this girl out of the bed.  So, once I do I send her downstairs to get dressed, does it ever happen that way.  Hell No I always come down to her just sitting sucking her thumb with her blanket watching T.V. 
Yes, she is six and still sucks her thumb, we have been working on it for 4 years now.  I know I know the dentist doesn't fail to tell me EVERY TIME we go how this is going to mean braces soon.  As far as I'm concerned, the damage is already done so why oh why battle with that shit every day, I tried I mean I really tried and it’s like a train derailment.  The battle of screaming and crying is just not worth it anymore.  I'd rather be in the poor house of braces. 

 Oh, and since we are on the teeth subject, I can't help but be the worse mom ever because I expect them to brush their teeth every morning.  All 3 of them give me nothing but grief about this.  They even try to lie to me about it, like I was born last night.  You have been down here the whole morning and haven't even gone upstairs since you woke up but you brushed your teeth get real.  So now I am at the point where I send them up one by one put the TV on mute and yell I don't hear any brushing going on, you know because of my MS and my horrible eyesight, I now have superhuman powers when it comes to hearing. HA!  Well because that is bullshit I now make them come into the hallway to show me they are brushing, and they all have to gargle really loud.  Crazy you might think yea so do I but for now it works. 
           So now I sit and relax for a little while before cleaning, because as fun as that shit show I just explained is, it’s exhausting.  I am not sure if it’s because of my MS or if all moms feel this way after their monsters leave, but for me I need at least a half hour of some TV to get ready for the rest of my day.  I can't even imagine having to do all of this and go to work right after.  Those mamas are tough and I do not envy them at all. So that is my story for today and I'm sticking to it.  Once again please leave a comment and let me know what you think of my blogs, criticism or compliments give it to me straight

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